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42 news items

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  1. Proceedings Pilot DNA Activity Level

    In the last decade DNA activity level propositions have been addressed in the Dutch court of law more and more often, reason for ...

    News item | 10-03-2021 | 09:10

  2. New field of expertise Forensic Accountancy

    The number of financial and economic offenses in the Dutch crime figures continues to increase. Examples of these offenses are ...

    News item | 03-03-2021 | 00:00

  3. Appointment of new member Board of Court Experts NRGD

    The NRGD is pleased to announce that Mr Dr R.F. (Robert) Ferdinand Crop has been appointed as a member of the Board of Court ...

    News item | 16-02-2021 | 00:00

  4. Retirement member of the Board of Court Experts

    Prof. J.W. (Ko) Hummelen retired on the first of January 2021 as member of the Board of Court Experts. Mr Hummelen was active as ...

    News item | 15-02-2021 | 00:00

  5. Forensic Science Regulator calls for change in final report

    The Forensic Science Regulator has warned that parts of the sector remain in a precarious position and there is an urgent need ...

    News item | 11-02-2021 | 00:00

  6. Register open for applications DNA Kinship analysis and changes in DNA Source Level

    On the 18th of July, the Board of Court Experts approved the Standards of Human DNA analysis and interpretation, including the ...

    News item | 01-09-2020 | 00:00

  7. Consultation standards for Gunshot Residue Examination

    The NRGD has worked on drawing up draft standards for Gunshot Residue Examination (GSR) in collaboration with the GSR standards ...

    News item | 05-08-2020 | 00:00

  8. WODC report: evaluation of the NRGD

    In the Netherlands every five years a law is being evaluated by a special independent agency the WODC. At the request of the ...

    News item | 22-07-2020 | 00:00

  9. Consultation Assessment Framework DNA

    In recent months the NRGD has worked together with an expert group to adjust the Assessment Framework of DNA Analysis and ...

    News item | 20-05-2020 | 00:00

  10. Coronavirus crisis: leniency with reregistration

    The NRGD will be lenient towards experts as much as possible if due to measures related to Covid-19, they are unable to meet all ...

    News item | 08-04-2020 | 00:00