NRGD Annual Report 2020

The year 2020 was dominated by the coronavirus and presented challenges to each and every one of us. Despite this exceptional year we, as the NRGD, have achieved our goals.

In this annual report, we would like to take you through the NRGD’s achievements in 2020. This annual report provides a broad overview of the NRGD’s activities.

About the NRGD

The Netherlands Register of Court Experts (NRGD) strengthens the quality of the contribution made by court experts within and outside the Netherlands. It standardises fields of expertise, monitors developments and provides advice. The NRGD also promotes the exchange of knowledge between forensic science and law.It brings together forensic science and the justice system. The NRGD sets quality standards for fields of expertise and assesses experts.

Certified experts contribute to a diligent and better justice system. The NRGD offers quality assurance in the deployment of forensic knowledge, from DNA to gigabytes and from handwriting to firearms. Quality is maintained by sharing knowledge nationally and internationally, monitoring developments, and through certification and accreditation. This is a further NRGD focus area.