Ad hoc expertise

An Ad hoc expert has specific expertise and will only be involved in criminal court cases once or a few times at most. The NRGD has published five instruments on its website in order to better ensure the quality of the reports of Ad hoc experts in criminal law.

Ad hoc instruments now available

Based on existing forensic quality assurance methods, the following instruments have been established for these specific experts:

In order to increase awareness of the instruments and thus encourage the qualitative deployment of Ad hoc experts, the NRGD can provide digital webinars. If you would like to know more about how the instruments could be used in your organisation, please get in touch with us via

Ad Hoc expertise

NRGD annual report 2020

The year 2020 was dominated by the coronavirus and presented challenges to each and every one of us. Despite this exceptional year we, as the NRGD, have achieved our goals. In this annual report, we would like to take you through the NRGD’s achievements in 2020. This annual report provides a broad overview of the NRGD’s activities. Find additional information on this website.

NRGD Annual Report 2020

Contact the NRGD

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