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46 news items
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Consultation standards for Gunshot Residue Examination
The NRGD has worked on drawing up draft standards for Gunshot Residue Examination (GSR) in collaboration with the GSR standards ...
WODC report: evaluation of the NRGD
In the Netherlands every five years a law is being evaluated by a special independent agency the WODC. At the request of the ...
Consultation Assessment Framework DNA
In recent months the NRGD has worked together with an expert group to adjust the Assessment Framework of DNA Analysis and ...
Coronavirus crisis: leniency with reregistration
The NRGD will be lenient towards experts as much as possible if due to measures related to Covid-19, they are unable to meet all ...
ISO: developing quality standards for the forensic process
From 18 to 22 November 2019 inclusive, the Netherlands Register of Court Experts (NRGD) participated in the international ISO ...
Free Dutch law course for non-natives in Dutch
As a foreign expert we like to welcome your registration in the independent NRGD expert register but we do understand that an ...
Addendum: Forensic Pathology Assessment Framework v.2.1
As of 1 January 2019, the following addendum shall enter into force with regard to the Forensic Pathology Assessment Framework. ...
Communicating with the NRGD
The NRGD considers meticulous communication with reporters extremely important. Please find herewith more details on this subject.
EAFS 2020: The Forensic Odyssey
The Netherlands Register of Court Experts (NRGD) was an active participant at the 8th European Academy of Forensic Science ...
Accelerated route after rejection
Requirements have been established for each field of expertise with which an expert must comply in order to qualify for ...