ISO: developing quality standards for the forensic process

From 18 to 22 November 2019 inclusive, the Netherlands Register of Court Experts (NRGD) participated in the international ISO working group that has been tasked with assuring the quality of forensic investigation.

Vernieuwd beoordelingskader DFO, afbeelding van onderzoeker in beschermende kleding

Participants in the working group have come together to develop an international quality standard (ISO 21043) that will ultimately support the standardization of the entire chain, from the crime scene to the courtroom. The standard will also include analysis, interpretation and reporting.

The Netherlands (represented by the police service, the Netherlands Public Prosecution Service, the NFI, TMFI and FLDOs laboratories, the Department of Justice and the NRGD) is an active participant.

Parts 1 and 2, about terms and definitions and the ‘crime scene’, have been completed and published (ISO 21043-1 and 2).

About ISO

ISO develops international standards. It is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation. ISO standards create a (voluntary) framework for quality policy and the standardisation of organisations and processes, amongst other things. National legislators can make standards compulsory, as has been the case for fingerprints and DNA.