NRGD 2023 half-year review

The Netherlands Register of Court Experts is the independent forensic quality standards organisation for the judicial system in the Netherlands. How we do our work, what results we achieved in the first six months of this year and what projects we started can be seen at a glance in our 2023 half-year review.


FFO: kassa met vergrootglas, symbool voor onderzoek naar financiën

Test of new FFO standard

A pilot study on the new Forensic Financial Investigation (FFO) field of expertise will be launched at the end of 2023. In this study, we will evaluate various types of reports, differences between assessments and the practical applicability of the assessment framework. If the result is good, forensic accountants will be able to apply to be registered as forensic experts in the course of 2024.

Schotresten (GSR): pistool met kogel, symbool voor schotresten

Gunshot residue

In the first half of 2023, the first experts in the field of gunshot residue were assessed. We are expanding the register further and considering whether we can further update the assessment framework and also that of Weapons and Ammunition.

Start opleidingserkenning NFI (handdruk, symbool voor samenwerking)

Pilot project with the NFI

The NRGD and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) have agreed to combine the NFI’s examination with the NRGD assessment. The assessment will then take place at the NFI and the Examination Committee will include an external examiner from the NRGD. At the end of 2023, an independent committee will assess the NFI’s training and examination procedures. If the result of the assessment is positive, recognition/certification could take effect at the start of 2024.

Our organisation

NRGD-college: symbool met verschillende personen

New Board members

Since the summer of 2023, the NRGD Board has welcomed three new members: Christianne de Poot, Theo Hofstee and Jan van Manen. Read more about find their professional background.

Doorontwikkeling toetsing: reflectie in spiegel, symbool voor ontwikkeling

Assessment methodology

The NRGD is working to further develop its assessment methodology. It has asked the specialised educational assessment organisation Cito to support it in this.

Aanvragen: opgestoken vinger, symbool voor aanvragen

117 applications

In the first half of 2023, the NRGD dealt with 117 applications.


Radiologie: symbool van menselijke figuur die een röntgenfoto krijgt

Standardisation of radiology

With the standardisation of radiology, all fields of expertise that have a role to play in autopsies will be included in the register. The committee wil start spring 2024.

Conferentie IAFS: verzameling mensen, symbool voor conferentie

Exchanging knowledge

The International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS) provides a platform for the international exchange of best practices in the field of forensic expertise and criminal law. The NRGD presents its approach to standardisation and certification of expertise in the field of forensic DNA and other areas.

Enquête: clipbord met checklijstje, symbool voor enquête

Survey of criminal defence law practice

The NRGD and Maastricht University are conducting a survey of Dutch criminal defence lawyers on their experiences with the deployment of experts and with the NRGD in particular. The results will be published in early 2024. The NRGD will then decide how to improve cooperation between the register and defence lawyers.