Register open for applications Gunshot Residue Examination (GSR)
Together with experts in the field of Gunshot Residue Examination, the Netherlands Register of Court Experts has demarcated the standards in this field of expertise. Subsequently, the Board of Court Experts gave their approval to open the Register for GSR applicants.
Firearm related crime
GSR fits in the different fields of expertise regarding firearm related crime like Forensic weapon and ammunition examination and Forensic Pathology. In GSR, two subfields are distinguished: Instrumental analysis and interpretation and Shooting distance and directions. It is possible to submit an application for either one or both subfields.
Why apply for registration?
The 'Experts in Criminal Cases Act' came into effect on the first of January 2010. Since then, commissioning parties (courts, prosecution) have had the legal obligation to provide a justification when they appoint an expert who is not registered in the NRGD. The commissioning parties can use the register to quickly check whether an expert is qualified. As a registered expert, you have been objectively assessed by an independent expert committee and therefore have a public and legal acknowledgement of your forensic expertise.
Registration procedure
Although we understand that it would be reassuring for you to know how long the registration procedure will take in total, this is difficult to say because the first received applications will be assessed in clusters. The NRGD strives to process the registration procedure as swiftly as possible. If you have any questions about the procedure, you are welcome to contact us by sending an e-mail to
The NRGD will correspond with you by e-mail in Dutch or English. Please send your application to